Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New artists you need to know, love and support, Says I.

NOTE: because of the array of vids I posted, give it 30 seconds to load them, then the page will scroll smoother.

("NEW" meaning 10 yrs or less, most are much less)

Ok this blog started on an FB thread and a gentleman named Wayne asked me to name one “good band”: that is new music. So I couldn’t just name one as there are so many. So here it goes.

Zen Rizing, I am so stoked that they just got chosen to open for Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger this Friday at the Whiskey, I'll be going to support them and the other 2 are the fringe benefit :)
Ya know half of these newest artists go to other countries and sell out large venues, and here in America, they do small clubs and have 25 to 100 only, because people are too closed minded.
One more NOTE- I don’t like any of these bands because of only one song, it is because of 10-20-30 songs. Another reason that adds to mine and others burning love for these bands is they communicate with their fans, they KNOW the fans are the reason they can keep doing what they love, and I love that about all of them.

Zen Rizing

Their FB Page

Dilana Rocks your innards like no other had in decades.
One of the top 2 finalists on Rockstar Supernova w/ Tommy Lee

p.s I don’t own a tv, I found her musically, not thru the tv show. 

Her FB Page

Beth Hart
bluesy rock, gnaws at your soul.
She’s tied at number one for new artists to love.

Her FB Page

VK Lynne , is awesome, soulful, bluesy, rock

Her FB Page

Inverse- Good ole boys rockin down the roof
Their FB band page – You can listen there

Roms- Melodious rock, got to be on KROQ’s local bands show recently.
Their FB band page – You can listen there

Alter Bridge ( Myles Kennedy is the singer, Slash just picked him to do a song on his latest album Slash RnF’n r.)

Their FB Page

Plain Alias out of Scotland
Embedding disabled, so click link to watch and listen.

Their FB Page

If you dig any of these guys, go friend/Like them on their FB pages and let them know I sent you, because word of mouth is the only way artists get any love anymore.

I have met all of these artists and friended many because they only play small clubs, because radio does not play new music anymore, Except KROQ, but they only play their style. We need more stations to intro more new artists, everyone always says theirs no good new music out, when actually there is a shitload, you just gotta go to the small clubs and find them, and its good to know people (like me) who promote the best of the best as much as possible. Cause they deserve the love and we want them to keep making new music, cause they’re so dam good at it.

And some other new musicians who do get radio play (Thank you 106.7 KROQ) , but only 1-2 songs to be sickened of after short time, but have a great library of awesome tunes.

30 Seconds to Mars

Their FB Page

My Chemical Romance

Their FB Page


Their FB Page


Their FB Page

Black Stone Cherry

Their FB Page

Embedding disabled, so click link to watch and listen.

Their FB Page

Embedding disabled, so click link to watch and listen.

Their FB Page

And you know to prove of my great taste. Slash has picked at least 3 of these artists to sing on his latest album. Beth Hart, Ian (Wolfmother), Myles (Alter Bridge)

So what do you think? Do you like any or all of them? Do you know any or all of them?
They deserve to be recognized, I hope you can share this blog or their songs with your friends and get them known. Especially the top half of artists as they have not had radio play here in California, and only get some small town radio stations nationwide.

Peace out and don’t forget to hit the LIKE button on this page. 
Hugs to all.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

SpyderRogue's web: Psychological thrillers. My best of's.

SpyderRogue's web: Psychological thrillers. My best of's.

Psychological thrillers. My best of's.

What is a psychological thriller? To me, it is one that can mess with your head, something you deem could be plausible to happen in real life. This could be either because you may share some of the beliefs in the movie, or you know there are psychos out there, that have this mentality.

I am proof (in more ways than one) that a twisted upbringing (in re to movies) does not mean you will grow up to be a psycho or twisted individual..
If you talk to anyone that knows me, I am sweet, considerate and honest at ALL times.

These are some movies that come to my mind first, that had an impact on me when I was a young child. When I say impact, I do not mean it shaped me to who I am today, persay, but when I watched them, they moved me emotionally in one way or another, that I’ll never forget them.

I have been a thriller movie /horror movie buff since I was 4.
I used to sneak up after my parents were in bed to watch Bette Davis movies and all the other twisted horror on at late night in the early to mid 70’s.

Scary flicks from my childhood – age 4-16

Alfred Hitchcock ( Movies and TV Series)

Twilight Zone (1959–1964) (TV)

Outer Limits (1963 to 1965) (TV)

Vincent Price Movies

Bette Davis movies
The Nanny (1965)
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane 1962
And more, I don’t remember or know the titles, as when I was young, the title didn’t impress me as much as the movie itself.

The Hitchhiker (1983) (TV)

Magic – (1978)

The Bad Seed – 1956

The Omen (1976)

Helter Skelter (1976) (TV)

Jaws (1975)

Carrie (1976)

Sybil (1976) (TV)

The Shining (1980)

These are some movies that have left a mark on me in my adulthood.
Great movies, great scripts, great actors.

Frailty (2001)

Fight Club

Sliver (1993)

Misery (1990)

The Cube (1980)

Natural Born Killers (1994)

Crash (2004)

Trainspotting (1990)

Jacob’s Ladder (1990)

Memento –(2000)
Love this movie, and can relate well, because I have a brother with short term memory.

Se7en – (1995)

Fight Club – (1999)

What are some scary movies or psychological thrillers,
you remember watching, in your childhood?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Facebook “Like” button etiquette

Facebook “Like” button etiquette

You know when FB started, everyone was hitting the “like” button all of the time for anything and everything, then people started being a little  more particular, maybe as not to be so anxious?
Now, I rarely see “Likes” at all. Why is that?
I see people “Sharing” my posts, so I know they are reading them and apparently liking them, but they don’t hit the “Like” button on  mine or others posts. Why is this?

It’s like they have weird thoughts in their head, and don’t even think about why they have those thoughts, they just go with them.
For example;  “Oh they know I like and read their posts, because I have told them before”
But not thinking about the now of it, how do we/I know anyone cares what I post unless people at least hit the Like button?

And I am not just talking about myself and the pages I admin, but many others as well. I know many people who put out great posts daily, and I even see those ones ‘shared” by others, yet they never hit the “Like” button on those posts either.

It kind of makes a person feel used ya know. Just saying.

We don’t post on FB for ourselves, we post for “others” to read. We can write in a diary or journal if it was meant for only ourselves. (Speaking for every one of us) .

Yes I do occasionally get an email or wall post telling me Thank you for all of the posts I put out and that they appreciate how I keep them up on the world of music and all that surrounds it.

I do my best to only post info I believe could be beneficial or enlightening to the readers, and I “always” ensure I use reliable sources when I do share. And I always do the dirty work of investigating, researching and validating anything I post. So no-one can ever come back to me saying I gave them bogus info or a virus.

So you know you can trust whatever it is that I put out to share with my friends. I care about my friends, and will always do all that I can to give them the best of everything.

I try to hit that “Like” button often, to let people know they are not posting to themselves, but to us. That I see it, and like it, or agree with it, and comment when I feel it or have a minute to stop and do so.

So I am asking you all, to be a little more considerate to YOUR public and friends and hit the “Like” button often when you dig what others have posted. It’s courteous.
And I only have “good people” in my friends list, so it does amaze me a little that they are not seeing it like I do.

I am open to hear anybody’s reasons for why they rarely ever hit the Like button. It only takes a millisecond, so don’t use time as an excuse, I won’t buy it-lol.

SpyderRogue a “Like-A’Holic”

Love you all, you know that.
Peace, Love and Rock N Roll.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Life Lesson in the end.

 The Pastor's Ass
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and It won.
The pastor was so pleased with the donkey
That he entered it in the Race Again, and it won again.
The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASSOUT FRONT.

...The Bishop was so upset with this kind of Publicity that he ordered the pastor
Not to enter the donkey in another race.
The next day, the local paper headline

This was too much for the bishop, so he
Ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.
The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a Nearby convent.
The local paper, hearing of the news, posted The following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN.

The bishop fainted.
He informed the nun that she would have to Get rid of the donkey, she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10.

This was too much for the bishop, so he Ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and
Lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE.

The bishop was buried the next day.
The moral of the story is .. . Being concerned about public opinion can bring You much grief and misery . Even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life.

Stop worrying about everyone else's ASS and
You'll be a lot happier and live longer!